Why put away?

Why put away?
Break it down..Why divorce or live separated?
Mark 10:1-12..read up
Many don’t want to believe that the five major spirits behind divorce are lying, covetousness, anger, pride and unforgiveness.
When a man or a wife is proud because he is higher than the other partner. it will have adverse effects on the spouse.
Mostly men are more successful than their wives. So make sure you treat her with respect, don’t use her academically position or position at work to insult her even when you are angry.
When you are comparing your wife to your secretary at work who is more beautiful and smarter than your wife. it is not being a man but covetousness and adultery before God. After marriage you must love your partner the way he or she is, even if they change after marriage in body size or health-wise. Covetousness in marriage when you sleep around with people of the opposite sex when you have a partner bound by covenant. no adulterer will enter heaven.
Anger is one of the spirits the devil is using to destroy married men, you turn your wife into a punching bag. God made you her knight and not her bully. Even if she is rude with you there are many ways to correct her with love than beating her.
If you feel you can beat your wife, how will you feel if your son-in-law beats your daughter? Men show some conscience.
Anger is what makes people say the hidden negative observations of a neighbour without remorse. A word spoken out of anger is like an egg that when it is broken cannot be put together again.
Unforgiveness is when you don’t forgive your spouse when he has offended you..there is no offence your spouse can commit against you that you can’t forgive because God forgives you of all your sins and iniquities so do the same to him or her.
Many will be condemned by putting asunder peoples marriage. Mark 10:9
If you know a man or a woman is married and you interfere, either as the mother-in-law or mother, father or father-in-law you are seen as an enemy before God.
Even when you marry him as a second wife or third wife. God made husband and wife one flesh after marriage.
Don’t marry a divorcee because you will be guilty of adultery before God.
Don’t rush into marriage because the heart of man is desperately wicked from the beginning. You can’t be sure of any person. Wrong selection because of covetousness or love for the things of the world makes people make the wrong choices in partners, in covenant of marriage; ignorance is not permitted as a reason to back out.
It is worse to marry because of riches or sex or beauty because they fade away, only love cannot fade away.
Women remember the future, safety and dignity of your children before taking to divorce or promiscuous living.
God is the ultimate and non-partial judge in marriage.
Jesus is lord
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola

Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria.