Text: psalm 86:15,Ephesians 2:4,psalm 145:8
One of the richest quality of God is that he is rich and plenty in Mercy. Ephesians 2:4,psalm 145:8.
As the title of this message says: God is MERCYFULL,my God,the King of Kings, Lord of Lord,Ancient of days is FULL of MERCY (james 5:11,psalm 66:20,86:15).
God was mercyfull to Abraham and his manservant realized it (Genesis 24:27),God was merciful to Joseph and added favour to his life in the sight of the prison keeper (Genesis 39:21),God was merciful to david and promised that his mercy will not depart from david and his seed forever (2 samuel 7:15;22:51,psalm 18:50,2samuel 22:51);
Prayer: Lord Jesus you were merciful to abraham,joseph,david and many people in ancient time;my bible tells me you are not a respecter of persons;therefore Lord be merciful to me and my household and let everyone testify of your mercy over my life.
Exodus 34:7a gives us a characteristic of God which is keeping mercy for thousands of people,not just mercy but with forgiving of sins,iniquity and transgression. (c.f deuteronomy 7:9).
Prayer: Lord Jesus keep your mercies with me and forgive me and my children all our sins, transgression and iniquity.
It is a pity that the unbelievers seek for the mercy of God than the children of the light.
We approach the presence and throne of God not because we are righteous but by the mercy of God which is Full in Jesus Christ. John 19:30, Romans 5:1-2; ephesians 2:18;titus 3:3-7.
Your prayers were answered because God showed you mercy and above all because we asked for His mercies.(Matthew 9:27-30,15:22-28,17:15-21,20:30-34, mark 10:48-52,hebrews 4:16,Psalm 6:2,9:13;25:16,31:9;51:1,86:5)
One difference between God and the devil is that God is merciful while the devil is merciless.(a trial will convince you)
It is not a mistake that Jesus in John 10:10 said the thief(devil) cometh not but to steal,kill and destroy but Jesus(saviour) comes to give abundant life.
One key Factor that attracts the mercy of God upon a person is the fear of God,keeping his commandment and reverence to God.(Luke 1:50,Psalm 33:22,daniel 9:4)
When you enjoy the kind of mercy david enjoyed in 2samuel 7:14-16 then you can be sure that God will eternally be on your side and his mercy will never depart from you.
In the new testament now,the mercy of God has be poured out to everyone,its not only for the Jews but also for the gentile alike now,all you need to do is ask for it,it is so full that you cannot exhaust it except you take it for granted.
It is by the mercy of God you became a christian and a born again,mostly in africa and most part of the world we all used to worship fallen gods and deities,the mercy of God found us so that we won’t end up in hellfire.
A good prayer a good parent can pray for his children is that the Mercy of God should not depart from their generation,that’s why many lineages enjoy the mercies of God.
I love the prayer of david in psalm 23:6,its a prophetic declaration of two guardians from the Lord named goodness and mercy should follow him all the days of his life and will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever,Amen.
Now when you become a friend and child of God,mercy will follow you everywhere you go,it would allow devils to show mercy on you where they will change their minds to hurt or destroy you,even when you are at fault.
Despite the mercy of God being full and plenty,it expires when a person dies,there is no mercy after death,you can only enjoy it or get it on earth while you have breathe in your nostrils.(Luke 16:24).
When you as a person is merciless,God in heaven will not have mercy on you,he will shut his mercy over you,God expect us to be merciful on our fellowman and animals too.zechariah 7:9,matthew 5:7,
It is because of the Mercy of God that our sins are forgiven,so you have to be merciful to forgive those that offend or hurt you unconditionally. Matthew 6:14-15.
I end this message with the words of apostle paul to the romans in Romans 9:15-18.
The fact that you have not tasted the MERCYFULL side of God does not mean it is not real. Jesus is Lord and Saviour
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp New:+2348098233605,
Whatsapp group: divine restoration
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Facebook Group: Divine Restoration
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.

Why you must not die unprepared

Why you must not die unprepared
Text: Hebrews 9:27,daniel 12:1-3
Everyone prays for long-life on earth but a few find it but what is common to all mankind at the end of life is DEATH;a challenge is that,not everyone dies prepared.
The bible in Hebrews 9:27 tells us that man dies once after that is judgement; this judgement is mandatory for all flesh born by the union of a man and a woman. 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment
Judgement is a basic responsibility of God to mankind and angels,don’t you know we shall judge angels (1 corinthians 6:3)
In John 5:22;27 says the Father judgeth no man but hath commited all judgment unto the Son, this son is Jesus Christ who will judge the whole world as affirmed in 2 corinthians 5:10;acts 17:30-31.
If you are a sinner and an unrepentant one,then you must not die now,because you will not be happy where you will find yourself.
You must not die now if you are unfaithful to your spouse and maltreat your spouse.
You must not die now if you are still living in secret sin and negative addiction. You must not die now if you still harbour envy,hatred against your neighbour. You must not die now if you are robbing God of tithes and offering You must not die now if you are committing adultery or fornication You must not die now if you practice witchcraft or occultism.
You must not die now if you are a lover of praises of men rather than praise of God You must not die now if you still practice idolatory of any form. You must not die now if you wear idols on your body.
You must not die now if you are an unrepentant backbitter and gossiper. You must now die now if you are responsible for splitting the body of christ.
You must not die now if you spend most of your time on worldly task and can hardly read your bible or pray
You must not die now if you are selfish,stingy and never willing to be of help to the helpless. You must not die now if you are not prepared for Heaven.
You must not die if you are still in the occult.
You must not die if you persecute the gospel of Christ.
Death is the only thing equal with all mankind,whether you pray for it or pray against it,the bitter truth is that one day every human being must die; Genesis 3:19,ecclesiastes 6:12,james 4:14.
but it does not end there,where will you continue your immortality:Heaven or Hell? daniel 12:1-3 You can make your decision only while breathe(life) is still in your nostrils. Don’t be caught unprepared,prepare to meet your Lord.
Having time to prepare your will does not mean that you are prepared for death,neither is having time to bless and give final instruction to your family a sign that you are prepared.
Everyday people die and no one knows who is next,death can be postponed to a future day but a day will come when it cannot be avoided.
Being prepared for death is repenting of every sin and iniquity with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. Jesus is Lord and Saviour
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp New:+2348098233605,
Whatsapp group: divine restoration
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Facebook Group: Divine Restoration
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.

What are you in Jesus christ for?

What are you in Jesus christ for?
Text: Luke 10:17-20,matthew 7:21-23,
Are you in the Lord Jesus Christ for healing, prosperity,signs and wonders, fame, marriage,fruit of the womb,job opportunity,contracts,protection, and any other reason? the ultimate reason to be in Jesus christ is the salvation of your soul which means your name is written in the book of life with the blood of the lamb. revelation 3:5,20:13,21:27,22:19.
The problem is made by the ministers of God who preach the benefits of christianity like protection in Jesus,display miracles and wonders,healing and fail to tell them about the salvation of their souls through Jesus and why they need to be saved. Luke 10:17-20,matthew 7:21-23.
The Key to stay in Jesus is continuity on holiness,righteousness and truth till death, Jesus christ is righteous,holy and true for all eternity. Hebrews 12:14,1 corinthians 5:8,2 corinthians 4:2
The best miracle you can perform as a minister of God is not to raise the dead,heal the sick,heal the blind,cure leprosy and the likes but to win a soul to Christ Jesus. Luke 15:7,
As a christian, we need to be clearly convinced of our reason with our salvation through Jesus christ so that when persecution rises,you will have a reason to stand and never look back. Luke 9:62.
When you know what you are in christ for, then you will not be offended when persecution rises and turbulent wind blows,you will be strong like the unicorn and a high mountain that can’t be moved.
If you put your health, family, job, career, aspiration and other earthly things above the Lord Jesus then you are not worthy to be in his kingdom. We read in mark 10:17-23 of a man who wanted to inherit eternal life but his great possessions hindered him because he placed it above Jesus.
Following Jesus christ could sometimes cost you your family,occupation,friends,position, and other personal achievements,don’t think it will cost you nothing, the price has been paid in full on the cross of calvary so that you don’t have to buy it. luke 18:28-30.
Therefore brethren if you can’t keep away from the worldly dressing,worldly beauty,anger,greed,alcohol drinking,smoking,and pleasures of this world then you are not worthy to Follow the Greatest master,Jesus Christ.
Partial Holiness is no holiness at all,if you are holy in the heart but unholy in the body then you are Incomplete.
When your being born-again is conditional or your reason to follow Jesus is conditional then you are in error and you need to retrace your steps before it is too late. The 3 hebrew boys in daniel 3 did not follow Jehovah with conditions but they were ready to give up their lives to stand for God not in violence but in obedience.
Those who receive from the Lord are those who go to the Lord for a request and whether they receive it or not,they still stay with God,they are true children of God almighty. Hebrews 11:6.
Now this topic is a personal question you alone can answer and it determines how far you can go to follow Jesus Christ in all not forget that apostle paul had a thorn in his flesh and he prayed to the Lord three times that it might depart from him yet the Lord responded that his grace is sufficient for him and his strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 corinthians 12:7-10.
Can you endure infirmities, reproach, persecutions, distresses for the sake of Christ Jesus? Then when you are weak,the you will be made strong by the Lord. Let nothing take you away from the Lord Jesus christ.
Jesus is Lord and Saviour
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp New:+2348098233605,
Whatsapp group: divine restoration
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Facebook Group: Divine Restoration
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.

Arrow of fear

Arrow of fear

Text: 1 John 4:18, 2 Timothy 1:7, Revelations 21:8, Psalm 34:4, Proverbs 1:27, Proverbs 3:24-26

First, let us understand what fear could be defined as, fear could be positive or negative. When fear is negative then it is disastrous and harmful. Proverbs 8:13.

Positive fear is when you have a profound respect for something or someone; while negative fear is to be afraid or scared to be uneasy or apprehensive about something or someone.

The arrow of fear is shot at a person by the enemy for many reasons and the ultimate purpose of the arrow of fear is to take your focus from your faith in God. 2 Timothy 1:7

The arrow of fear has torment but the cure is love, since perfect love casteth out fear 1 John 4:18, the love is coming from Jesus Christ to drive out the wounds and scars left by the arrows of fear.

The arrow of fear is also responsible for you not being able to believe God can give you a good job even when it’s scarce, the arrow of fear is what makes you feel you can’t receive from God.

The arrow of fear is what causes you not to be able to sleep at night; the arrow of fear is what makes you low in power, love and sound mind.

The arrow of fear is what prevents you from trusting and forgiving your spouse.

The arrow of fear is what makes you feel the sickness or disease can claim your life. The arrow of fear is what makes you fed up with this life and what to commit suicide.

I want to introduce you to someone who has power over the arrows of fear, that person is Jesus Christ and he will give you perfect love if you allow him into your life and soul today.

The arrow of fear will only point you to the direction of hell fire so don’t be fearful. Revelations 21:8.

whenever the devil  wants to frustrate the journey of a christian, he uses fear as an arrow to carry out his evil plot, so don’t entertain fear into your mind or thoughts but allow the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to block and nullify all the arrows of fear shot at you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus comes into my life and make me a partaker of your love that breaks the arrows of fear. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Jesus is Lord and Saviour

Oyewole Ademola Ojo

Whatsapp New:+2348098233605,

Whatsapp group: divine restoration


BB pin: 29692291

Facebook: Strongbone Ademola

Facebook Group: Divine Restoration

Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.

Topic: I will give you rest

Topic: I will give you rest
Text: matthew 11:28-30, john 14:1,27
I – single unit
Will – the capacity of conscious choice and decision and intention.
Give-meaning offer in good faith or manifest or show or to supply organize or be responsible for.
Rest- freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility) or a support on which things can be put on.
The topic comes with several questions:
1.Who wants to give you rest
2. Is he willing to do so?
3. Can he give you and does he have the power to do so?
4. Who is the beneficiary?
5. What kind of rest is he willing to give you?
Answer to this questions:
1. Jesus wants to give you rest Matthew 1:21-25
2. Yes, he is willing and wants to give you rest.
3. Yes he can give you rest and he has power to give you rest. Matthew 28:18,Colossians 2:9-10,phillippians 2:9-11
4. The beneficiary of this rest is you, whenever you are ready to surrender to him.
5. Rest in all areas of your life and finally eternal rest meaning a place in heaven when you have finished your work on earth.
Let’s look at examples of rest Jesus can give from the scriptures.
1. The first thing Jesus wants to give you rest from is Sin: SIN : Matthew 1:21,romans 3:23,6:22-23 revelation 1:5 Jesus came to die for the sin of you and I so we might not be controlled by sin but we might be free from sin. Galatians 1:4,1 john 2:1-2,Isaiah 1:18,1 peter 1:19-23,acts 2:38,acts 22:16,acts 26:18,Galatians 1:4,Ephesians 1:7,1 john 7-10,1 john:3-5,
Bible case-study: Matthew 9:1-7, mark 2:4-12, story of the man sick of palsy Jesus told him to pick up his bed and his sins were forgiven.
Luke 5:18-26, acts 3:26, acts 5:31.
Romans 3:23 all have sinned, romans 6:23 wages of sin is death
Revelations 1:5 Jesus washed us from our sins
1 john 2:2 Jesus the propitiation of our sins.
Galatians 1:4 Jesus gave up himself for our sins
Isaiah 1:18 sins washed white as snow
1 peter 1:19-23 Jesus lamb without blemish

2. Failure: Jesus Christ has come to give us rest from failure. The first Adam failed and brought hardship on mankind but Jesus came to give rest from failure and hardship Genesis 3, failure is not because you have not tried but because you don’t have the capacity, wisdom to succeed. Failure brings sorrow,anger,hatred,envy,worries
Biblical case-study: Luke 5:1-9 story of when Simon peter could not catch fish all through the night.
1 Corinthians 15:50.

3. Insanity: many people are mad but are walking on the roads and living with normal people because the enemy has stolen their brains, knowledge from them. That’s why any little touch, they flare up in anger and say profane words without being provoked.
Biblical case-study: mark 5:1-16=Luke 8:26 madman of gadarene who lived in the tomb.
The same madman became an evangelist Luke 8:39, mark 5:19-20.
Another case is Luke 9:38-43 a man whose only child was torn and foamed in the mouth because a spirit tormented him but Jesus delivered him.

4. Sickness: sickness was not part of the plan of God from the beginning but sin and iniquity brought sickness and diseases upon mankind.
Biblical case study: Matthew 8:1-4 = mark 1:40-45, a man with leprosy who Jesus healed and was made clean.
Mark 5:22-23 Jarius daughter healed at the point of death
1 peter 2:24 – by his stripes we are healed, Isaiah 53:5.
Matthew 8:5-13 a man whose servant was sick of palsy and grievously tormented
Mark 1:23-27 – Jesus delivered a man of an unclean spirit
Matthew 8:14-15 – Jesus healed peter’s mother of fever
Matthew 9:20-22 =mark 5:25-34 – woman with the issue of blood
Matthew 9:28-31 – blind men received their sight.
Matthew 9:32-33 – Jesus healed a dumb man possessed by the devil.

5. Death: Jesus ultimately came to break the power of death over mankind both the natural death and spiritual death. Romans 5:18-21, john 3:15-16, psalm 51:1-5.
Jesus overcame death to give us victory to long-life and fulfillment.
John 8:51 if you keep the saying of Christ you will not see death (hell)
John 11:1-44 Lazarus rescued from the grave
Acts 2:24 impossible that Jesus will be held by the power of death
Sin brought death to mankind but Jesus came to deliver us by grace to eternal life.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
Romans 7:24-25 o wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death.
1 Corinthians 15:55 o death where is thy sting? O graves where is thy victory?
Ezekiel 18:20 the soul that shinneth shall die.

6. Worries: one of the greatest fear of man is worry; it is rounded up in the fact that man does not know the future.
Worries can be known as unnecessary anxiety and it causes doubt.
1 peter 5:7 says casting all your care upon him, he careth for you.
Matthew 6:25-34 talks about worries and deep thoughts.
Jesus also came to deliver you from evil thoughts.
Genesis 6:5 and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Psalm 94:11 the Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.
Psalm 139:23 search me o God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts.
Proverbs 12:5 the thoughts of the righteous are right but the counsels of the wicked are deceit
Proverbs 15:26 the thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, but words of the pure are pleasant words.
Proverbs 16:3 commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established
2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down imaginations and everything that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.
The truth is that you cannot enjoy this rest if you do not give your life to Christ Jesus. When you surrender to Jesus you are assured of rest and victory here on earth and outside the earth (in heaven).
Hebrews 4:1-11 talks about the rest prepared for us but some lost it to unbelief.
John 20:31 but these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his name.
John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, truth and life no man cometh unto the Father but by me.
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp group: divine restoration
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Facebook Group: Divine Restoration
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.

Why put away?

Why put away?
Break it down..Why divorce or live separated?
Mark up
Many don’t want to believe that the five major spirits behind divorce are lying, covetousness, anger, pride and unforgiveness.
When a man or a wife is proud because he is higher than the other partner. it will have adverse effects on the spouse.
Mostly men are more successful than their wives. So make sure you treat her with respect, don’t use her academically position or position at work to insult her even when you are angry.
When you are comparing your wife to your secretary at work who is more beautiful and smarter than your wife. it is not being a man but covetousness and adultery before God. After marriage you must love your partner the way he or she is, even if they change after marriage in body size or health-wise. Covetousness in marriage when you sleep around with people of the opposite sex when you have a partner bound by covenant. no adulterer will enter heaven.
Anger is one of the spirits the devil is using to destroy married men, you turn your wife into a punching bag. God made you her knight and not her bully. Even if she is rude with you there are many ways to correct her with love than beating her.
If you feel you can beat your wife, how will you feel if your son-in-law beats your daughter? Men show some conscience.
Anger is what makes people say the hidden negative observations of a neighbour without remorse. A word spoken out of anger is like an egg that when it is broken cannot be put together again.
Unforgiveness is when you don’t forgive your spouse when he has offended you..there is no offence your spouse can commit against you that you can’t forgive because God forgives you of all your sins and iniquities so do the same to him or her.
Many will be condemned by putting asunder peoples marriage. Mark 10:9
If you know a man or a woman is married and you interfere, either as the mother-in-law or mother, father or father-in-law you are seen as an enemy before God.
Even when you marry him as a second wife or third wife. God made husband and wife one flesh after marriage.
Don’t marry a divorcee because you will be guilty of adultery before God.
Don’t rush into marriage because the heart of man is desperately wicked from the beginning. You can’t be sure of any person. Wrong selection because of covetousness or love for the things of the world makes people make the wrong choices in partners, in covenant of marriage; ignorance is not permitted as a reason to back out.
It is worse to marry because of riches or sex or beauty because they fade away, only love cannot fade away.
Women remember the future, safety and dignity of your children before taking to divorce or promiscuous living.
God is the ultimate and non-partial judge in marriage.
Jesus is lord
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria.

Forgiveness part 1

Forgiveness part 1
Matthew 6:12,14-15
Forgiveness is an attribute that not all christians have even the so-called men of God.
It is biblical that we forgive those that trespass against us..when we forgive we forget the wrongs they have done to us..
It is the pagan way of forgiveness to say they have forgiven you but they have not forgotten.
The author of this prayer was Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13.Jesus placed emphasis on forgiveness..If you don’t forgive others their sin neither will God forgive you your sin.
Unforgiveness is not of God but the devil and it is what is destroying many today.
When you have the fear of God and the Love of God..Forgiveness will be easy.
Ask that God should give you the heart that forgives and forget.
Jesus is Lord
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria.

Forgiveness: Requirement to meet God (part 1)130614

Forgiveness: Requirement to meet God (part 1)130614
Text: Hebrews 12:14, Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-22
Let no man deceive you, the road to heaven is very narrow and not easy to follow with the human flesh Matthew 7:13-14
One major hindrance aside anger in the life of a christian is unforgiveness.
Unforgiveness is one of the thorns of the flesh that destroys many believers
Honestly from personal experience I have seen that unforgiveness is very difficult to avoid but we must ask for grace from God to overcome it before it destroys us.
We are admonished by Jesus, when peter asked him how often he should forgive our brother that sin against him. Jesus answered him that you don’t just forgive seven times but seventy times seven
Forgiveness = 70 x 7 = 490 times (1)
The verse in Matthew 18:21-22 is not saying that we should get a book and start counting the number of times we should forgive our brothers then stop forgiving when they exceed 490 times but that we should forgive and forget always.
Jesus Christ can help you forgive and forget without regrets..Try him today
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria.