Today is the Day to fight back

Today is the Day to fight back
Text: Colossians 2:14-15,ecclesiastes 9:4, Acts 12:1-19
One constant battle in life is the battle between good and evil.
Evil will always want to fight against what is good and pleasant,it is a pity that this battle has started right from the garden of eden,it is a pity that man (then good) lost the serpent(bad) and problem came into mankind. Genesis 3.
We thank God for Jesus Christ his Son who gave us a day to fight back and it was completed on the cross of calvary,over 2000years ago. Luke 23:33-47.
Colossians 2:14-15 gives us a clue to why we no longer need to negotiate with the enemy. Jesus on the cross blotted out the handwriting against me and you,first he took it out of the way and then nailed it to the cross: verse 15 shows us that he spoilt principalities and powers,he made a public shame of them,triumphing victoriously over them.
If you have been believing God for healing,go in the power of the cross and fight back against the enemy against your health,don’t negotiate at all.
I had an experience when I was under spiritual attack,it went on for months but I noticed I would die if I do not fight back. So on a particular day I could not sleep and sleeping pills failed so I rose up early at about 5am because I thought to myself that how come am a servant of God and I am still being oppressed and tormented by the enemy. Then I cried with a Holy anger in yoruba dialect..saying every power preventing me from sleeping,Lord collect the power from them. My eyes were closed so my right hands moved uncontrolled with force so I hit the wall with force and smashed a wall gecko under a paper pasted on my wall,it was only the tail that cut off then as I tried to look for something to smash it then it disappeared. Then I knew that the battle was been fought with a wall gecko to try to kill me before my time but the day I stood up in prayers,the battle was overturned against the enemy and an assault was launched against the enemy. As God would have it two weeks later after that I was able to kill and burn it alive following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
If you are reading this post and you are still negotiating with the devil by going to seek herbalist help,witchcraft help,islamic priest(alfa) help,doctor’s help or any help from man or fallen idols, then you are still negotiating with the enemy.
My friend, today is a day of victory for you if you choose to go all out in to battle against the enemy and fight back,launch an assault against the enemy.
I pray for the person reading this person,the grace, mercy and wisdom that you need to have your spiritual mind reinforced to go into battle to fight against the enemy,receive it Now,In Jesus Name,Amen
If you know that something unusual, unnatural,abnormal is going on in your family,work,business,child,spouse or any part of you,it is time today,not tomorrow to go into battle against the enemy to launch an assault against the enemy,the power of Jesus on the cross has given you assurance of being victorious.
We are in the era of grace and mercy in the time of need. Hebrews 4:16.don’t be ignorant. luke 10:18-19.
If you negotiate with the devil and his agents then you will be wasted and you will leave your life assignment unfinished.
To launch an assault against the enemy is to Rise Up in violent prayers and fasting till heaven gives a Violent response like the apostles did for peter in Acts 12:1-19 Please read.
King Herod killed James the brother of John with the sword,then the enemy wanted to waste peter but the church rose violently in prayers without ceasing,God responded violently by sending an angel the same night verse 1-11. If the church had refused to pray,I am sure peter would have wasted by herod.
Heaven can come to your rescue if you choose to go into battle Today without ceasing.
The enemy will always use two tricks to prevent you from going into battle against him,these two tricks are fear and hopelessness.
A living dog is better than a dead lion, ecclesiastes 9:4,you are alive then there is hope for you.
I want you to know for sure,your pastor cannot pray better for you than you can pray for yourself;you know were it is hurting you the most.
The best spiritual battles fought are those you fought yourself,the devil wants to waste you without mercy; don’t let the enemy see your end in the battle,you must see the end of your enemy in the battle,david saw the end of goliath,the philistines champion(1 samuel 17) david decided to fight back on behalf of Israel and without using warfare armoury,he defeated goliath like a dog.
I pray for someone reading this post that the goliath against your life,ministry,health,family,marriage,work,children,destiny,sanity,finance shall be defeated today as you go into battle against it without fear or hopelessness. In Jesus Name.Amen. I have learnt that a closed mouth in prayer is a failed and defeated battle.
God will not fight for dunces and cry-babies but those ready to be offensive and violent children who are tired of their situation and desire a compulsory change.
Remember today is the day to fight back,not tomorrow because you could be wasted before tomorrow comes. Jesus is Lord and Saviour
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp New:+2348098233605,
Whatsapp group: divine restoration
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.


Admonition 160615
Good morning friends and family,hear the word of the Lord as I read from lamentations 3:22-23. It is by the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed and because his compassion fails not. The mercies of the Lord is made new every new morning we see and his faithfulness is great towards us.
This is not a time to reflect on past victories but new victories to be won and be thankful because we are numbered among the living.
There is no problem without an expiry date but also there is no living person without a problem. Jesus is the only person who gives us the strength to fight and defeat the problems of our lives. Be thankful today and see what the Lord will do for you.
Jesus is Lord and Saviour
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.


 Text: exodus 15:1-21,luke 17:12-19,psalm 81:5,psalm 119:88-89,psalm 30:5
 From the Christian point of view, I will define testimony as the evidence of victory in the life of a believer after passing through trial or tribulations.
 Testimony is a way of thanking God for his work in your life and testimony also in a way of putting the devil to shame.
 Most people will go to hellfire because of testimony, what I mean is testimony that did not come from God but giving the glory to God.
 When you know that you did not rely on God alone to fight a battle or to get a breakthrough, I mean you visited herbalists, Alfas, false prophets to get the problem solved secretly but you then give the glory to God, it is a sin of lies, its better quiet than noisy.
 One of the best testimonies recorded in the bible was from the children of Israel when they came out of the land of Egypt unhurt and passing through the red sea on dry land, read exodus 15:1-21
 Testimony is always to tell someone else passing through a storm that one day it will be over and testimony will follow.
 Also confessing a testimony is a way of sealing that which was done so it won't be reversed by the devil and its forces.
 When Jesus healed ten(10)lepers and only one came back to share his testimony, he was made whole completely luke 17:12-19
 Testimony is a way of coming back to God to worship him and asking him to perfect your miracles.
 People beware if you give testimony for show of pride or fame, you are in trouble and you are only attracting spiritual battles and curses to yourself.
 Sometimes testimony is a show of faith that all will end well even before you see it manifest.
 A testimony is also your personal experience of what you passed through for others to learn so let your testimony come from God alone and not man or the devil.
 The principal way to overcome the devil is by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony in Jesus Christ.
 The assurance I have for you that your testimony must come to pass is found in psalm 30:5b and you shall testify in Jesus Mighty Name..Amen 
 Jesus is Lord and Saviour
 Oyewole Ademola Ojo
 Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
 BB pin: 29692291
 Facebook: Strongbone Ademola 
 Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria.



God is a God that never accepts defeat, he concluded victory over the enemy of our soul the devil and his fallen angels by giving His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and the redemption of mankind to God..1 john 5:4 for whosoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith…the born of God here is not talking about sinners and ordinary human beings but it is talking of people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour of their lives..since creation this is the only victory the world knows and has been revealed by God..I call it divine proven victory…

Jesus is Lord and Saviour
 Oyewole Ademola Ojo
 Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
 BB pin: 29692291
 Facebook: Strongbone Ademola 
 Ibadan, Oyo State. Nigeria.