Too Hot To Handle

Too hot to handle
Text: daniel 3,1 kings 3,
I got this inspiration when I remembered how I used to hold the lead inside a pencil and put the tip of the lead inside the fire of a candle…within seconds it becomes too hot to handle yet you won’t see any fire and it won’t burn…
When you connect to Jesus christ you are connected to the fire of God and you transmit the heat and that makes you too hot to handle by the devil..
When you are connected to God then the fire of this world can do you no harm,we learn from the three hebrew boys who were thrown into fire by king nebuchadnezzar for refusing to bow down to a graven image..the fire of the fiery furnace was heated seven(7) times more. Yet the fire was too hot to handle yet it slew the men that took them up to the fiery furnace and did the three hebrew boys no harm and they did not smell of fire and God came down to meet them.. Daniel 3
When you are too hot to handle,your wisdom will be difficult to resist,we see a good example from king solomon was tested by two harlots about two babies,one dead and alive and he had to give the living baby to his true mother. 1 kings 3.
Our Lord Jesus was too hot to handle by the pharisees and sadducees whenever they tempted him to put him in to test.. Matthew 22:15-46.
Our Lord Jesus has given us power to be too hot to handle by serpents and scorpions,and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt us because we are going to be too hot to handle luke 10:19
If you want to be too hot to handle you must stay away from sin at all cost because sin breaks the connection to God and makes us vulnerable to attacks and pitfalls which makes us becomes cold. For more of my post and messages,please visit the link given below. Jesus is Lord and Saviour
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp group: divine restoration
BB pin: 29692291
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Ibadan,Oyo State. Nigeria.