February daily top-up 10-2-2024

February daily top-up 10-2-2024
Give thanks to the Lord
Text: Psalm 105
Giving thanks to the Lord has become a showmanship rather than inner debt of gratitude.
The psalmist gives some hints on giving thanks to the Lord.
– making known the works of God to others and attribtuing it to his Holy name.vs 1-3
– singing songs to honour the Lord
-seeking the Lord and his strength ceaselessly.v 4
– appreciating the Lord who did not forget his covenants made with our fathers. V6-45
– God made his people stronger than their enemies v24
Will you give thanks to the Lord and reflect inwardly what he has done,things you can count and things he has done that are difficult to count?

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
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February daily top-up 9-2-2024

February daily top-up 9-2-2024
Godliness with Contentment is the best
Text: 1 timothy 6:6
One of the traits that exposes the kind of godliness in people is contentment.
Contentment simply means being satisfied with what you have.Jesus was the perfect example. Luke 9:58. Contentment is satisfaction.
We all have the human nature to be greedy,selfish and gluttonous yet the only antidote to this weakness is contentment.
Lack of contentment is a problem all around the world and not just in africa alone,many governments of the world are battling issues of embezzlement,fraud and other vices yet they claim to be spiritual or godly.
Paul in the textual source tells us that godliness added to contentment is of a great benefit which is true.
Its a pity the body of christ is plagued with lack of contentment, greedy, gluttonous leadership,amassing of wealth amongst others in the name of the gospel.
We are very godly in africa; almost every street, city or town has a church,mosque or traditional home; yet we are far from godliness.

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
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February morning top-up 8-2-2024

February morning top-up 8-2-2024
The owner of my soul
Text: luke 12:16-21; matt 16:26;
The mistake humans make is that they think their soul is their property and they can do whatever they like with it.
The human soul is the sole property of God and would give account of how he used every second spent on earth or the planet.
When you realise that the owner of the soul is God you will understand that he has great plans for every soul; i pray that the Lord will never allow our soul fall into depression,suicide,satanic manipulation or any dangerous evil;in jesus name.amen.
It is our duty to protect our soul from external influence warring against our souls like sexual immorality,deception, satanic manipulations etc. Therefore fear God who has the power to destroy the soul of the sinner in hell..Matthew 10:28.
Loving God is from the soul;we are expected to love God with all our soul.Matt 22:37,luke 10:27
From the text above in luke 12:16-21; we see that the rich fool’s soul was destroyed because he failed to acknowledge God as the owner of his soul and thinks he holds the power of the future.
One question to ask is what can a man give in exchange for his soul? The soul is the target of God and the devil. We have people who have sold their souls for money,fame,talent and mammon idol.

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
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February morning top-up 7-2-2024

February morning top-up 7-2-2024
Jesus must come back again
Text: 1 thessan 5:2,matthew 16:27-28
One of the most important part of the gospel to nations and people is that jesus is coming back again. Matthew 24:14;mark 16:15
The airwaves of the radio and television is overtaken by the gospel of prosperity and self achievements. The church if not careful will be shocked at the sudden return of her bridegroom and master. Matt 25:1-13,matt 24:27,30,37,39,44.
In the events yet to be fulfilled,we await the rapture of the saints which precedes the great tribulation of the world by the affliction of the antichrist.
Jesus is coming for a church pure and without blemish,no excuse would be entertained for impurity or smear. Ephesians 5:27
Only those that are clean and without blemish will hear the sound of the trumpet made by the archangel. 1 thessan 4:15-18
Jesus has promised that he would come back again and the angels in his ascension affirms this position. Acts 1:9-11
May the Lord find us faithful in his return,in jesus name.amen 1 corinth 4:2

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
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Top up 6-2-2024

February morning top-up 6-2-2024
Seed and harvest time shall never cease.
Text:Genesis 8:22
After the fall of man and a move by God to restore man back to his eternal plan; the program of mankind was changed when God was pleased with the offering of noah after the floods.
Now there comes a spiritual and physical rule of planting and harvesting..for there to be a harvest then a seed has been sown.
The seed time can be regarded as the planting season ,moreover the seed could be likened to our children,work,investment,etc. While the harvest time is the season of reaping what we have sown,the works of our hands.
The beauty is that no one can deceive God on this rule,it is your seed planted that will give you the required fruit. Galatians 6:7-8.
Please do well to plant good seeds in the early days of your life so you can be guaranteed a good harvest in the later stage of your life. Ecclesiastes 12.
We live in a time and era where people dont care anymore what kind of seed they plant,what they are concerned about is a good harvest; show me your seed and i will tell you the awaiting harvest.
Many have eaten or sold their seed carelessly or ignorantly;they dont have any seed to plant when the planting season arrived.
Conclusively,God has placed this rule in nature and humanity that seed time and harvest time will remain while the earth remains and exist.

1. Lord dont let the devil and his cohorts rob me of my seed and harvest time.

  1. Lord by your mercy preserve all my seeds.

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
Join and follow my channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaIkDqmDjiOa4muAYI0L

February morning top-up 5-2-2024

February morning top-up 5-2-2024
Dont reveal your identity before time
Text: Esther 2:10
Most times the problem is not getting opportunity in life but misusing once in a lifetime opportunity.
There was a vacancy for the position of a queen in the shushan palace; esther also known as hadassah would not have been recruited into this contest for a suitable queen being an orphan but there was a helper from her uncle mordecai; who could take her to the palace.
It was important that the candidate would be fair virgins.the instruction of Mordecai for Hadassah was the secret to her success and favour from the Lord. Esther 2:10.
If Harman had known that the queen esther was a jew,he would have first of all found a way to remove or destroy her so he could be successful in his plot against Mordecai.
Every believer must be obedient to the leading of the Lord when he wants us to keep our identity for a season so that we can be preserved.
Jesus waiting for thirty years before commencing his ministry and he was publicly known at age thirty to the world at the point of baptism by john the baptist. Matthew 3:11-17.

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
Join and follow my channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaIkDqmDjiOa4muAYI0L

Morning top-up 3-2-2024

February morning top-up 3-2-2024
Dont fail to plan
Text: luke 14:28-30
Planning is one of the virtues and traits we inherited from God. The world from its origin has been planned by God who is executing it step by step.
As for humans,God expect us to plan how we would use the breath he has deposited in us to fulfil his purpose.
Remember that every good plan would be rewarded and every evil plan will be condemned.
The life of many successful people are well planned out for the year and they follow strictly their plans except on exceptional cases they have to disrupt it.
Therefore lets put our plan in God’s hand so he can give us the enablement to follow and fulfil it.

1. Lord jesus,dont let my good plans for this year fail,give me grace for success this year.

  1. Lord jesus, send me helpers for my good plan to succeed this year

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
Join and follow my channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaIkDqmDjiOa4muAYI0L

Morning top-up 2-2-2024

February morning top-up 2-2-2024
Heaven is true and real!
Text: John 14:1-6
The only true place to be is heaven,heaven is a place of peace and comfort. Jesus spoke on many occasions of the peace of heaven in contrast to the discomfort of hell.
Jesus promised to go and prepare a place for us in heaven where we will all live forever without mortage,utility bill and every earthly housing discomfort.
Would you love to be there? Then "john 14:6"59 is the key you need to get there.
Accept Jesus today and you will begin to walk the path to heaven.
1. Lord Jesus give me grace to follow your steps that leads to heaven.

  1. Lord Jesus help me to stay true to you all the days of my life on earth.

Evang.Oyewole Ojo
Visit my page Http://oyewoleojo.wordpress.com
Join and follow my channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaIkDqmDjiOa4muAYI0L

I Declare that i see,eat,touch,feel and enjoy the goodness and mercy of the Lord on the Land of the living,all the days of my life on earth. In Jesus name.Amen psalm 23:6 Evang.Oyewole Ojo Http://Oyewoleojo.wordpress.com

Look at the scar but dont turn back

Look at the scar but dont turn back
Text: Gen 45:1-15
Recently,i looked at a scar on my leg from an injury from a hot iron in my primary school many years back due to carelessness.
Every scar has a story but dont let the story change the good person you are.
the bigger the scar the bigger the testimony and greater is the lesson learnt.
it is pitiful that it is not every one that moves forward after being broken, battered and abused,which has left many in the wilderness of depression and chaos.
i declare that the revolutionary power of the Lord Jesus will heal every one reading this message passing through a tough phase in life,in jesus name.amen
in genesis 45 verse 7,joseph did not allow the scar of the heartless act of his brothers,the accusation of potiphars wife that took him to prison to turn him to a monster,he knew that God sent him ahead to preserve his family. can you forgive like joseph?
In the church today,we have many who have been scarred by previous relationship,jobs,marriage,families;we need to tell them that God has not given up on them and he is ready to make a good pottery work out of their scar for His glory. jeremiah 18:6.
don’t let any scar take you to hell,be ready to let go and be free from its yoke and grips. many embark on revenge missions after coming out of a situation with a scar.
A life with Jesus regardless of the scar will not turn back because Jesus will remain his only joy,hope for restoration.Hebrews 12:2
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
Mobile: +2348065175173
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola

New month of february 2023

Welcome to the month of february 2023,i declare that your good vision from Heaven will stand and not fail. You will have a heavenly reward this year,in Jesus name,amen. Habakkuk 2:1-2
Proverbs 29:18 KJV
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Evang.Oyewole Ojo

Ten Things you must not miss this new year 2023

Ten Things you must not miss this new year 2023
1. Grace: every year carries different grace for different individuals,for one it can be grace for marriage,for another it can be grace for fruitfulness or divine breakthrough,hebrews 13:25. Grow in grace,2 peter 3:18.Be a carrier of grace, 2 corinthians 12:9.navigate through this year 2023 with humility in grace,james 4:6.
2. Progress: lets look out for progress in this year,as we grow older it is expected that our bodies progress in stature and nutrition so it is expected that our lives progress every year,isaiah 40:31,psalm 18:2,144:1. We shall not expereince any setback whether little or great this year,in Jesus name.amen. joshua 14:11.
3. Light: without illumination we cannot have a smooth movement and journey,our eyes need light to see.Matt 6:22.it is not comfortable moving in darkness because stumbling on obstacles is inevitable. Let the Word of God be your illumination this year.psalm 119:105,John 1:4.
4. Godly counsel: every man born of a woman needs someone else to teach him what he is ignorant and has no idea. Prov 19:20,21. A Yoruba adage says The light of the lantern cannot see the base of itself. If you must get counsel this year,ensure you get a godly counsel so you can be safe.prov 8:14,11:14,15:22;20:22.
5. Divine leading: every man is driven by something either spiritual, physical or both. When God leads you on any journey then you can never miss the road.psalm 32,23
6. Rest: despite being diligent in our business,lets know that no one finishes the work of this earth in one day. Lets make sure we give our soul,body and spirit rest from anxiety,worries and stress.1 peter 5:7.
Without the human body we cannot fulfill the will and purpose of God for our lives;God needs your body for His purpose on earth to be fulfilled.Jesus Christ alone can give us rest.Matthew 11:28.
7. Good start: sometimes in finishing a good race you need a good start. Take advantage of the first quarter of the year to form a foundation for the progress of the year.God also wants us to be pro-active in life.
8. Helpers: every year has a divine helper,divine helper is not just about money but people who will divinely help direct our lives to align with the will of God. 1 sam 23:16 Every david needs a samuel,every joshua needs a moses,every hannah needs a Eli.
9. Fire Prayers: soak the new year in fire prayers,am talking about praying according to the Will of God,not praying amiss.God still answers prayers and He is never late.james 4:3
10. Faith and Opporunities: The Last thing you must not take for granted is opportunity,i want you to live this year like a lion that is hungry. Every year is full of opportunity which could be visible or disguised. David did not miss the opportunity of killing goliath to become the youngest warrior to ever kill a giant single-handedly.1 samuel 17.
Compliments of the season
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
Mobile: +2348065175173
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola

Happy independence day 2022

Happy 62nd independence celebration Nigeria
We cannot say all is well with our country Nigeria today,yet all hope is not lost: the country is currently under the grip of corrupt and selfish leaders.
Nevertheless,Nigeria is our jerusalem and we have a spiritual responsibility to pray for the peace of our dear country.psalm 122:6.
The Lord is still involved in the affairs of this country even in her hopeless situation; the Lord’s hand is not too short to save ;nor his ears too heavy to hear the cries of our nation.Let us repent of our sins as a people and nation.isaiah 59:1-2.
The nation is on the path of electing a new president amongst other strata of government leadership candidates coming year 2023. Our prayer should be that the Lord should choose leaders who will serve the citizens and nation tirelessly and unrelently.
If our country will experience a positive change then i deeply encourage we start from the family level where the devil has destroyed her morals,values,ethical system in no small measure today.
Any nation that wants to be a force to be reckoned with in the global space must build her family systems and values because family makes the nation.
Lets stop the blame-game and start the change-game for our nation to come out of the current disgusting ashes,wasteland and mud.
We are in a dangerous and terrible times regarding the security situation in our country where bandits,herdsmen,unknown gunmen freely roam the lenght and breadth of the country unhindered.
We cannot move further as a nation if we don’t love one another;remember loving one another is the strenght we need to stand strong together.
I strongly advice that christians must join politics and endeavour to take politcal positions in the country;not leaving the country to the hand of ungodly people who make ungodly laws and poilicy for the christians. Lets come out and vote wisely without selling our conscience for peanuts on election day.
In conclusion the problems and solutions of nigeria cannot be exhausted in a day,therefore just like Jesus said that we are the salt and light of the World,then let the change begin with you and me till we change our country,Matt 5:13-16;Mark 9:50.
Happy independence celebration!!!
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
📱Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
📱Mobile:+2348059767075, +2348065175173
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Orile-Agege, Lagos State. Nigeria🇳🇬.

In whose name are you gathered

Topic:In whose name are you gathered
Text:Matthew 18:20
We belong to a generation that has redefined the term gathering with the use of technology.
The church was coined from the word garhering “ekklesia”.
The bible informs us of several gatherings which could be of God,man or devils. I declare that any gathering that will work against you shall scatter now,In jesus name,amen.
Isaiah 54:15 tells us of a gathering which is orchestrated against the people of God but will always fall for our sake; as children of God we must get to the level where we can trust God to defend us and keep us from evil.
The world has witnessed many gatherings in the past from world powers,illuminati,bohemian grove,freemasonry,terrorist groups and many others that have influenced events and nations of the world.
Ultimately,Where the power of Christ Jesus is manifested is found in Matthew 18:20 where christ declares himself as omipresence,He will be found in the midst of two or more people gathered in his name.Halleluyah.
Christ will not disaapoint his people who worship in spirit and truth. Lets create a pure and true fellowship today.
Oyewole Ademola Ojo
📱Whatsapp: New:+2348098233605,
📱Mobile:+2348059767075, +2348065175173
Facebook: Strongbone Ademola
Orile-Agege, Lagos State. Nigeria🇳🇬.

Meal of the day

Meal of the day:
Zechariah 2:8 for thus saith the Lord of Hosts;after the glory hath he sent me unto nations which spoiled you:for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

Just like the eyeballs of a person is not to be played with.We are just as precious as the eyeball before the sight of God.
No matter how playful a mother is with her baby, she won’t allow her baby play with her eye.
The Lord says as you go out this morning,you shall enjoy divine covering, protection and defense from the Host of heaven.
Be rest assured that he never fails.
I declare that every arrow from the wicked against you shall backfire,in Jesus name.amen.
This week shall be full of testimonies and journey mercies,in Jesus name.Amen.
Evang.Oyewole Ojo
